Gymnema sylvestre is one of the important medicinal plants used for antiperiodic, diuretic and stomachic treatments. In this study, plant multiplication in vitro along with genetic stability analysis of regenerates was achieved using nodal explants. Multiple young shoots were induced from axillary meristem cultured on MS medium containing various concentrations of BAP and NAA. The highest number of shoots (8.62), with average length 0.93 cm, was initially achieved with MS medium containing 2.0 mg/l BAP and 0.5 mg/L NAA. Repeated subculture of newly formed nodal parts after each harvest up to ten passages. Rooting of shoots occurred on 1/2 MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/1 IAA. The clonal fidelity among the micropropagated plantlets after up to 10 sub-cultures was assessed by RAPD molecular markers. All generated bands from 10 primers were monomorphic among the micropropagated plants compared to mother plant in ten regenerants analyzed. This protocol can be used for propagation of cultivated G. sylvestre.