Aim: To assess the importance of clinical pharmacist in enhancing therapeutic outcomes in seizure patients in outpatient department of a tertiary care teaching hospital.
Method: The study was conducted from October 2017 to March 2018 in Government General Hospital, Guntur. Patients were recruited in the study based on inclusion criteria. Data was collected by using data collection forms. Questionnaires were given to the patients. Regular follow-ups had been conducted. During follow-ups patients were monitored for dispensing errors, prescription errors, dose errors, adverse drug reactions, drug interactions. Counseling had been provided to the patients regarding their medications, diseases, life style modifications. After continuous follow-ups for 3 months (20 days interval), we observed for improvement in knowledge regarding disease and drugs, medication adherence, therapeutic outcomes.
Results: 100 seizure patients were included. The knowledge of patients during initial and after follow-ups was 30.45±1.96 and 22.84±1.59 respectively. The medication adherence during initial and after follow-ups was 20.05±2.60 and 41.73±3.16 respectively.
Conclusion: By counseling the patients there was an increase in Knowledge Assessment practise, medication adherence, decrease in Drug Related Problem’s thereby increase in therapeutic outcomes. So, clinical pharmacists are important in enhancing patient care.