Introduction: The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has significantly affected oral health services and clinical education. Interruption of educational activities, challenge of training in an ambiguous environment of constantly evolving quarantine, patient care and travel guidelines, abrupt social seclusion, and fear of contracting the virus or infecting family members may have affected residents' psychological well-being. Aims and Objective: To evaluate the resident and faculty perception of the influence of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on the education, teaching practice, and psychological well-being of oral medicine and radiology residents. Materials and Methods: - An anonymous 20-item online questionnaire was e-mailed to faculty and residents of the Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology accredited OMR residency programs in India. Survey questions aimed at the pandemic’s effect on resident educational, clinical, and research activities and the welfare of the residents. Survey data were collected using Google forms. Results: 104 participants to the survey. Despite the interruptions in the clinical, research, and educational activities, on-time resident graduation was accomplished. Conclusion: Irrespective of restraints owing to the pandemic, OMR residency programs efficaciously sustained clinical activities, didactic training, research proficiency through virtual means, and a hybrid delivery care model consigning a positive impact as inaugurating opportunities towards the mental well-being of the residents