The fast changing world is leading to an increase in the level of Stress, Anxiety, and Procrastination of the population, there is seen an increase in stress and anxiety every passing year across the world. People have started avoiding the stress causing things whether it is from the office, friends, or family, the frequent way out for the people is seen to be an increase in procrastination, as they feel they have more than enough time and unnecessarily delay the task till the last minute. This is increase in procrastination is seen to be associated with various factors like, depression, burnout, stress, anxiety, sleepiness. So, the present study aims to investigate the impact of Stress and Anxiety on the Procrastination level of Young Adults. The sample comprised of Indian young adults between the age range of 18- 30 years. The level of Stress and Anxiety were measure using Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21), and the Procrastination was assessed using Irrational Procrastination Scale. A total of 156 responses were collected out of which 150 were analysed after filtering irrelevant responses. Pearson’s Correlation and Linear Regression were used for analysis purpose, by using IBM SPSS Statistics Software. The findings showed that stress and anxiety significant impact the level of procrastination among young adults. The impact of stress and anxiety on procrastination was seen to be more in male sample than in female sample, showing gender differences. Hence, it was concluded that stress and anxiety significantly impact the procrastination level of young adults and males are more impacted by the stress and anxiety on procrastination than females.