Internet and social networking sites have taken very important place in our life. The use of social media among students has also reached to a high degree. They are using these sites for various purposes and spending a lot of time on these sites The use of social networking sites is progressively increasing day by day and the students are using the social networking sites(SNS) in their academics also
This study aimed to investigate the impact of usage social networking sites on academic performance of college students. Smart phones have supplementary great potential by enabling an increase in the use of social networking and in the number of hours spent on surfing to such sites. The students are not only using these sites to network with people but also to gather information related to their academics as well as for other information also. Too much of surfing and collecting information is resulting into information overload. Students face problems in filtering the information they obtain and they might find it easier said than done to decide which sources they can trust and, therefore, which source to select for getting information.
These sites are affecting capabilities and skills of the students. The efforts are done by researcher to get insight of the impact. The data for the study was collected using a self designed questionnaire. Data was collected from 276 students studying in at different management and engineering institute of Gwalior region. The result of the study is showing significant negative impact of social media usage on academic performance of the students.