Aim: The aim of the study is to analyse the immediate effects of active release technique in patients with adhesive capsulitis.
Background of the Study: Adhesive capsulitis is one of the most common disabling musculoskeletal diseases characterised classically by pain and restriction of range of motion at shoulder joint especially external rotation and abduction. Due to the emerging problem of adhesive capsulitis, there is a need to analyse a technique which gives immediate effect on pain in adhesive capsulitis. Hence Active release technique is used to relieve tissue tension via the removal of adhesion, which developed in tissues as a result of overload and repetitive use.
Methodology: After getting approval from the Institutional review board, 10 out of 15 volunteers both males and females were selected based on the inclusion criteria (age of 40-60, unilateral shoulder pain and adhesive capsulitis [sub-acute stage]. Patients with recent fracture or surgery in and around the shoulder joint, frozen shoulder, shoulder dislocation were excluded in this study. The experimental study was carried out for the duration of 5 days in out-patient department of Physiotherapy in ACS MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL. After getting proper consent from the patient, active release technique (ART) was applied, pain and range of motion assessed using the VAS-Visual Analog Scale and Goniometer before and after the technique to know the immediate effects of active release technique in patients with adhesive capsulitis.
Result: Based on the statistical analysis of the data collected, Active release technique has yielded significant reduction in pain and improvement in range of motion in subjects with adhesive capsulitis.