Aim: To compare the immediate effect of pain release phenomenon(PRP) versus positional release technique (PRT)on trapezius muscle trigger points.
Background: Trigger points are spots which are highly irritable in nature present within taut band of skeletal muscles. It is painful on compression or muscle contraction.
Method: 22 participants with trapezius muscle trigger points were recruited in the study who were randomly allocated in two groups. Group A – pain release phenomenon group and Group B–positional release technique. Subject were given one session and outcome measures were taken pre and post treatment on day1. Outcome measures were numericpain rating scale, pain pressure threshold and cervical range of motion.
Results: Data was analyzed using SPS version 21. Data was evaluated using dependent t-test and Kolmogorov Smirnov test. Significant increase in pain pressure threshold and cervical range of motion, decrease in intensity of pain (NPRS) was seen in both groupA and group B(*p<0.05).
Conclusion: Pain release phenomenon technique and positional release technique both are effective in reducing severity of pain, increasing pain pressure threshold and cervical range of motion. But, among both groups pain release phenomenon was found to have greater effects compared to positional release technique in all variables.