Objective: To assess the immediate effect of lumbar corset on balance in chronic low back patients.
Backgound: Back pain is an extremely common human phenomenon; a price mankind has to pay for their upright posture. According to one study, almost 80% of persons in modern industrial society will experience back pain at some time during their life. . Decrease of the mobility and stability of the waist occurs in these patients, and these bring about a decline of muscle strength and coordination capability and a change in proprioception. These disabilities of the musculoskeletal system affect balance performing ability and limit use of a proper exercise strategy in perturbation. Balance impairments are seen in chronic low back pain patients. Utilization of hip strategy will be reduced in low back pain patients. Lumbar brace exerts the necessary degree of compression in the lumbar region and achieves correction of sagittal plane spine balance to improve postural control of the lumbar spine.
Methodology: 45 samples were taken with low back pain between 4-6 months. Consent form was taken. .Balance was assessed using the Functional Reach test (FRT). To assess the balance patients were made to stand against the wall with shoulder flexed to 90 degrees. They were asked to move forward as much as possible without moving their feet. Readings were noted. Three such readings were taken and mean was calculated. The same procedure was repeated by making the patient wear lumbar corset and mean of three readings were calculated.
Result and Conculsion: Total score was calculated and the results were interpreted. The results showed that out of the 45 subjects that were assessed 39 showed improvement while the remaining 6 did not. Hence this study concluded that immediate use of lumbar corset helps in improving balance in chronic low back pain.