This study aims to determine the relationship of theta angle to the grain size of the crystal x-ray diffraction with the calculation of the index field through the peaks of the spectrum produced. The data obtained in the form of intensity at various times and processed using spreadsheet excel to obtain the position of the diffraction peaks as well as an index field. Samples printed in pellet form and annealing at a temperature of 800oC. Characterization of the samples was done using XRD. XRD characterization results from the sample obtained and processed the data in graph form the relationship between the intensity of the 2 angel theta. XRD diffraction patterns are known to have some peaks and crystalline with a cubic structure, with a large particle size (Dv) and annealing at a temperature of 800° C for 1 hour which each amounted to 13.59 Å, 20.36 Å, and 52,99Å. It is known if the larger the particle size, the smaller the angle 2 theta and the greater the particle size, the average lattice strain (η) the greater the increase in line with annealing temperature.