GIS is emerged uses of Hydro geological studies. GIS technology is used in this study. Hydro geochemical characteristics of groundwater with respect to WHO standard for drinking purposes in Edappadi Taluk, Salem District have been studied. The study area of about 240.33 sq. km is with mainly occupied by Charnockite and Hornblende-BiotiteGneisses. Edappadi Taluk area is associated with active agricultural region. 50 groundwater samples were collected from open and bore wells which are being extensively used for drinking and irrigation purposes in the investigation period. During pre-monsoon 2011 and analysed for pH, Electrical conductance, total dissolved solids, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, fluoride, nitrate, iron etc., Analysed Geochemical data were evaluated and compared with WHO water quality standards. Chemical concentration values are taken into GIS platform to prepare the spatial distribution maps. Finally to find out the ground water quality zones for drinking purposes.