Banikhet – A beautiful village in the lap of Himalayan Dhauladhar range is serene, very peaceful and aesthetic. This place is situated at an altitude of 5500 feet above mean sea level. Mesmerizing hills and charismatic beauty of alpine vegetation are acts as eye tonic especially for one, who enters from the Punjab corridors. With all the cultural hues water sweetness adds something very magical to this place. Surprisingly, with this there is one more thing to be notice that is every morning and evening young or old, male or female carry small or big utensils with them for taking water. Yes, for water. They carry drinking water from hand pumps. Although, people consume both surface and sub surface water for fulfilling their water requirements. But for drinking purposes hand pumps dependency is more. Hand pumps have been dug at every half meter distance with 35 to 70.12 m bgl depth. Hydrochemistry of sub surface water of Banikhet Village has been assessed on the basis of twelve parameters i.e. Hydrogen ion (pH), Specific Electrical Conductance (EC), Bicarbonate (HCO3), Chloride (Cl), Sulfate (SO4), Nitrate (NO3), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Sodium (Na), Phosphate (PO4) and Fluoride (F) for the year 2017. All selected parameters found positive with their set permissible presence. But, surface stream is visibly polluted due to disposal of household and animal waste. Mostly people prefer sub surface water for drinking purposes. Penned work depicts the present condition of sub surface hydrochemistry of Banikhet village.