The mankind has been facing Global challenges from centuries back. The Scientific communities had given some solutions to meet the challenges. Administration, the world over created several mechanisms to implement the solutions to reach the target successfully. Unfortunately, the challenges are adding more in number time to time without much progress in implementing the solutions. It is because the implementation mechanisms forgot the role of human attitude. Which is the sole cause of poor implementation. People are feeling troubled and insecure. Among countries, cooperation is less certain and more difficult. The world is more connected, yet societies are becoming more fragmented (UNO Secretary General, 2018). The intensity of some of the Natural disasters (cyclones, floods, etc.) increased due to climate change. Manmade disasters (climate change, nuclear wars, etc.) are threatening the human society in many ways. The value deterioration and resulted human attitude become a threat to the human society. Day by day unrest and insecurity growing and the planet may become not suitable for leading a happy and peaceful life in the future. Unless there is a change in situation, the human world may be extinct and the prediction that the Era ends shortly become true. To save the mankind, it is a need of hour to think of a solution to change the human attitude positively. The author proposed a model to modify the human attitude. Further, implementation mechanisms were also discussed.