The skin is affected by wide range of diseases comprising of inflammatory disorders to highly malignant neoplasms.1 The pattern of skin diseases differs in different countries, and within various states, & districts.2 Social and environmental factors play a key role in the epidemiology of skin disease.3
So we decided to undertake a study of the skin disease pattern in patients from a rural community attending our tertiary care hospital, FMHS, SGT Medical College, Hospital & Research Institute. A total of 130 cases of skin lesions over a period of one year were taken. The specimens obtained were subjected to formalin fixation and paraffin embedding, stained with haematoxylin and eosin and special stain wherever required. Maximum numbers of patients were from age group 21 to 30 years (25.4%) and with male predominance (53.8%). Neoplastic lesions (68.4%) are more as compared to non neoplastic (31.6%).
We obtained wide spectrum of skin diseases in this study surrounding our community. Awareness regarding prevalence of diverse skin lesions in rural population with histopathological confirmation can help in appropriate diagnosis and proper management.