Purpose: To analyze reported cases of hemangioameloblastoma with emphasis on treatment modalities.
Material and Methods: We report a case of a 45 year-old man with swelling over anterior region of mandible. This review also includes all published cases of hemangioameloblastoma and analyzed data of the patients, lesion site, treatment approach and events of recurrence.
Results: Only 11 patients of hemangioameloblastoma of jaws has been reported till date including this case. The primary treatment in all patients was radical surgery consisting of resection with clear margins.
Conclusions: Hemangioameloblastoma is aggressive tumor because of its vascularity and it is a variant of solid/ multicysyticameloblastoma and not a collision tumor of ameloblastoma and vascular tumor. Treatment is same as we decided in solid or mullticysticameloblastoma.