Urban isolated trees provides a number of environmental functions such as survival of urban dwelling species. This study analyses the organisms which depend upon isolated trees for different purposes. We found 3 species of mammals, 31 species of birds, 3 species of reptiles, 42 species of arthropods, 17 species of plants, during the study conducted in 10 isolated urban trees in various towns of Malappuram, northern Kerala, India. Usage pattern of trees by humans also studied.700 people use the shade of the tree and 101 vehicles were parked under the tree. This paper also analyzes the relationship between urban isolated tree characteristics (structural characters: tree height &canopy volume and spatial characters: vegetation area, built area around tree and distance from the city center) and avian diversity, because birds are powerful indicators of urban forest functionality. There is a positive correlation between structural and spatial characters (except built area around tree) and avian diversity. The implications of this study are particularly relevant to urban decision makers, who should consider the existence of great diversity of organism when developing and implementing masterplans.