Various technologies are being invented and used by Human Civilization which supports day to day activities. The adoption of technology is limited and has adverse effects on environment and human civilization. Therefore, scope exists for application of new technologies which are more eco and environmental friendly for supporting day to day activities of the present lifestyle. However, new technologies are more efficient and environment friendly due to increased awareness and recent development in research areas of energy management. These technologies are characterized as green or clean technology. Green technologies involve: energy efficiency, recycling, safety and health concerns, renewable resources, and many more.
With the increased efforts in the direction of globalization across the globe also increased the level of competition among various companies in various domains of work and in between governments for the sake of development. The fact that the globalization has taken the world to new heights of development and it has also increased the pace of development in many developing countries especially, India and China. For the sake of globalization and development we are continuously exploiting our mother nature, the environment. People concerned with environment and ecology suggests that if this rate of exploitation continues then the day is not so far when earth and its environment will be not suitable for sustainable life. That’s where the term green technology comes into lime light which uses technology in such a way that in one end development which is a result of globalization continues and on the other end the level of negative environmental impact is reduced to its minimum level. This paper will critically review literature on current environmental sustainability practices and the role of green technologies in sustainable development. This paper also reviews various green technologies from view point of adaptability and implementation issues for modern living towards sustainable environment.