India’s energy demand has been growing rapidly. On the other hand, supply of energy too has grown but has been outstripped by demand. India has severe power demand supply gap, especially from past two decades. India derives most of its energy from fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas and oil where coal is dominant fuel. Fossil fuel based energy sources are not good for the environment. Burning of coal releases huge amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere and contributes towards adverse effects of climate change. Considering the importance of renewable energy in India’s total energy mix, the Government of India came up with National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) in year 2008 under the prime minister’s office. Under the plan, the Government of India has set a target of reducing country’s carbon emissions intensity of GDP by 20 percent to 25 percent between 2005 and 2020. Since there is no (GHG) green house gas emission during renewable energy generation, NAPCC encourages addition of renewable energy such as wind, solar etc., based capacity in the country. Most of the Installed Wind Capacity in India is located in the southern and industrial states of the country. Tamilnadu plays a major role and occupies the first place but to install the windmill there is a Lack in getting approval from various levels. Due to this, the project is getting delayed and they are not able to do it in sanctioned time duration especially from local panchayat and TNEB is taking so much of time for approval and they are having some political and environmental issues. So, the government has to take necessary Steps to prevent these issues and also to avoid the unwanted political issues by taking measures and made the wind energy a successful one.