In present investigation, an attempt has been made to study the relationship of various pair of traits. It has been estimated in NBt. Set of values of those associations in NBt being considered as a yard stick to measure/ understand the impact of gene of one trait on genes of other traits in other two sets of transgenic i.e. BG-I and BG-II. Any deviation over the trend of NBt observed either in BG-I or BG-II could be considered as impact of Cry 1Ac or Cry 1Ac + Cry 2Ab genes.
Fifteen F1’s + parents of NBt as well as 15F1’s of BG-I and BG-II with their respective parents were evaluated. Out of 66 values of associations in NBt group, more than 45 associations showed similar trend in BG-I and BG-II. Thus genotypic correlation parameters proved that either gene for Cry 1Ac or Cry 1Ac + Cry 2Ab behave independently and never interfered directly with the genes governing the traits.