Now-a-days gas leakage and gas detection is a major problem in our daily lives. Also gas wastage is a major issue that needs to be countered. LPG gas is highly flammable and can inflict damage to life and property. To avoid such situations, a considerable amount of effort has been devoted to the development of reliable techniques for detecting gas leakage. As knowing about the existence of a leak is not always enough to launch a corrective action, some of the leak detection techniques were designed to allow the possibility of locating the leak. Our aim is to reduce the risks in Kitchen using Internet of Things. The main aim is to propose the design and construction of an SMS based Gas Leakage Alert System. Gas sensor is used to detect gas leakages in a kitchen. With the help of an infrared sensor the issue of gas wastage is also monitored. An alarm goes off whenever the sensor doesn’t detect any vessel over the burner beyond a particular time period.
In this we analyzing the gas leakage using gas sensor, it detect gas range and gives to the microcontroller. If the gas leakage range is high, controller will send the position of gas leakage to authority with range of gas leakage, so that we can take the immediate action towards. To find the position we used GPS module, to send SMSwe used GMS module, to send gas detecting leakage values and potting location to server we used Wi- Fi module.