Background: The output of mind is communicated to others in the form of expressions. The Bell’s palsy is a lower motor neuron type of lesion, which may be primary or secondary to any other lesions or injuries, disease or disorders, the facial nerve and its branches supply the muscles of the face, which are responsible for their motor activity. Aim of the study: The aim of the study is to find the effectiveness of facial neuromuscular re-education vs. mime therapy to improve facial symmetry in patients with Acute Bell’s palsy. Need of the study: To date, there is no study that directly compares the effectiveness of Facial neuromuscular re-education with Mime therapy using Sunny Broke Facial Grading System. Methodology : Study Design is Quasi Experimental with comparative study typebin a convenient sampling method and study done in Madha Medical College Hospital & Research institute in 2 week duration Inclusion Criteria: Acute unilateral Bell’s palsy referred by physician or otolaryngologist, Age between 18-60 years OF Both Genders. EXCLUSION CRITERIA are Decompression surgeries of facial nerve, Oral dentures and metal implants on face, Skin infection, Diseases of central nervous system, Sensory loss over the face, Recurrent facial paralysis, Surgical re-construction of facial nerve. Procedure: Group A and Group B received mime therapy & neuromuscular re-education respectively. Results: the results of this study concludes that facial neuromuscular re education is found to be more effective than mime therapy on facial symmetry in patients with acute Bell’s palsy.