Introduction: Many of the adolescents indulge in inappropriate behavior with women at home and outside, culminating into an antisocial and criminal mindset. The boys living in urban slums in poor socio-economic conditions are illiterate, and have unjustifiable beliefs regarding women and family life. This work is aimed at assessing the family life knowledge of the adolescent boys and determining factors for the level of knowledge. Methods: The sample size was taken as 200.The study was conducted at the urban health center attached to the Department of Community Medicine, SAMC & PGI, Indore. Results: There were 22% boys who were in difficult, very difficult and not in talking terms with their fathers .The bad words use restriction between the ages of 10-12 years is only 12 % which should be higher in this age group. Around 37% boys did not heard of reproductive health & relationship. Conclusion: It was observed that 33% of adolescents were in favor of dating while physical violence was justified by 7.68%.