Background: Family plays a key role in the healthy development of an individual’s personality. The presence of a positive family functioning is a prerequisite for the healthy growth and development of the members from a given family unit. In addition, a positive family functioning ensures appropriate fulfillment to the needs and demands of the family members. Dependence on psychoactive substances by one or more family member could dampen positive experiences within the family environment to a significant extent. In the long run, these families tend to become markedly pathological. So, this study was planned to see the family functioning of individuals with cannabis dependence in Indian setting. Method: The study was a cross sectional, hospital based and the samples were selected through purposive sampling technique. This study was included 30 individuals (patients diagnosed with cannabis dependence as per ICD -10) and 30 individuals from family of normal controls (i.e., a family without any cannabis dependence member). Age, education and family income matched with either group.GHQ-12 &The McMaster family assessment device were applied on all the selected individuals in the study. Results: A poorer of family functioning was found in the domains of “Problem Solving”, “Communication”, “Roles”, “Affective Responsiveness”, & “Behavior Control” in the families of individual with cannabis dependence as compared to families of normal controls. Conclusion: Finding indicated that there was significant difference in the family functioning showed by families had cannabis dependence as compared to families without cannabis dependence.