Marriage across cultures are not fully accepted by many ethnics groups including those that have embraced Christianity. The study investigated on factors that contribute to success of marriage across cultures among Christian couples and its implications to the church. The case was Christ is the Answer Ministries (CITAM) Kenya. The study used a mixture of qualitative and quantitative design methods in data collection and analysis. The sample comprised of 147 couples, seven senior pastors, seven pastors’ in-charge of Family Care and Enrichment ministry (FACE) and three couples in a Focus Group discussion. The research instruments were a self-administered questionnaire for couples and structured interview schedules for pastors and focus group discussion. The study found that majority of couples considered their marriage as successful. The motivating factors to marriage across cultures were love for one another, a common faith in Jesus Christ and a demonstration of control of one’s life. The main factors that have contributed to the success of marriage included: commitment to Christian faith, spending quality time together, a good knowledge of each other before marriage and ability to work through ethnic and cultural differences. The study recommends grounding of congregation from youth in faith community, religious practices and spiritual beliefs, couples to learn the basics of each other’s culture, inclusion of a chapter on marriage across cultures in the Pre-marital Counseling Guide, church to establish why some of its couples go for premarital counseling to other churches, ministries or individuals, provision of post marital counseling and pulpit ministry on ethnicity.