To understand the dynamics of parenting practices, two factors namely area of living and gender of child were studied in the present investigation. It was hypothesized that parents (both mothers & fathers) from rural area would be lower on involvement, positive parenting and inconsistent discipline and higher on poor monitoring and corporal punishment as compared to parents from urban area. Secondly, parenting practices would differ significantly for male and female children. For this purpose, a total of 300 parents of i.e. male (n=82) & female (n=68) children from rural areas and male (n=73) & female (n=77) from urban areas were selected randomly for the study. All parents were assessed on Alabama parenting questionnaire (Frick, P.J.1991). Obtained scores were subjected to two way analysis of variance. Findings indicate the significant effects of area of living on parenting practices. However, child-rearing practices for male and female children did not differ significantly. The findings have significant implications.