Pregnancy itself is a most crucial and joyful part of life. Most of the couples want to do the best things they can do for the benefit of their child. Every mother must understand the importance of birth preparedness during antenatal period itself so that she can take good care of her baby later. Aim of the study is to explore level of birth preparedness among Primigravida women and to assess the level of birth preparedness. This study adopted descriptive exploratory design and is conducted at selected government district hospital Nahan Total of 100 subjects were taken for this study of reproductive age group (18-45 years) with a convenient sampling technique, A structured questionnaire was used to collect data regarding birth preparedness among Primigravida women. Data analysis was done by descriptive and inferential statistics. The result showed that among total respondents majority of them had moderate awareness 55% and least of them 4% had low level of awareness about birth preparedness. 86% of the respondents were aware of the word birth preparedness and there is a significant relationship between knowledge scores and variables of social, personal and health.so we have concluded with the findings of present study that the personal profile of patient was not much associated with awareness of birth preparedness. Awareness was significantly associated with area and sources of information along with age Therefore proper prevention programs are needed to be developed, to make the Primigravida women more aware as it will modify the behavior of patients to learn more about birth preparedness.