Introduction: Violence against women is one of the most embarrassing and painful actions ofdiscrimination. It is a social and global problem with large dimensions that women from different countries and cultures go through, regardless of social conditions, levels of education, religion, race, ethnicity and age (Contreras, Fernández, López, 2017). Methodology: used in this study was performed in an interpretative framework, so the design was qualitative with a phenomenological approach, the collection technique used was through semi-structured interview and audio recordings, interviewing a social worker, a gynecologist, a psychologist and a nurse; likewise to personnel responsible for the Violence module in charge of the internist doctor and also to the head of social work at the hospital. The analysis was carried out with a phenomenological approach through a reductive methodology, with the help of interviews conducted, divided into health and administrative personnel, this section contains the description of a set of situations experienced by the interviews, identifying three categories: observance and NOM 046 guidelines, limitations of the right and omission due to fear, Results: The participating health team affirms applying NOM-046, however when requesting information about it, they show deficient knowledge, and in a very particular way, the one in charge of monitoring compliance with the norm emits negative comments in situations of violence, and requested not to be recorded to take care of the image of the health institution. Conclusions: Having made an analysis of the different discourses obtained in the present work and the NOM-046 can be considered that "The experiences in the applicability of NOM-046 is determined by the interest of health personnel in compliance", not only of the legal disposition, which puts in imminent risk its non-observance. Bibliographic References: Referencias bibliográficas Fernández Gálvez M, (2017) Por qué las mujeres no denuncian, violencias machistas se vuelve contra ellas. Es un motivo, hay muchos más Recuperado de: http://www.eldiario.es/tribunaabierta/mujeres-denuncian_ 6_632446789. html (Torres, 2011), Torres Martínez, M.E (2011). Ordenan "sin excusa" aplicación de NOM 046 en Michoacán, corresponsal CIMAC. Recuperado de: http://www.cimacnoticias.com.mx/ node/40451 Observatorio Ciudadano Nacional del Feminicidio (2013), (NOM 046-SSA2-2005). Martínez, M. (2013). La investigación cualitativa etnográfica en educación. Manual Teórico Práctico. Editorial Trillas. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Cruzalta, F. J. (2011). Es “biofascismo” criminalizar el aborto: Fray Julián Cruzalta. Recuperado de:https://zacatecasonline.com.mx/noticias/local/17199-criminalizar-aborto-... García y Díaz (1997) Violencia sexual. Recuperado de:http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/98821/1/WHO_ RHR_12.37_spa.pdf