Aims and Objectives, of Study: To evaluate the static norms for various smile
parameters in growing and non growing individuals and to analyze and quantify
the sexual dimorphism of smile parameters. Material And Method: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the smile parameters namely buccal corridor ratio, smile index , smile breadth in growing and non- growing individuals. Frontal smiling photographs of 200 individuals were divided into two groups, GROUP A consisted 100 growing male
and female individuals, GROUP B consisted of 100 Non growing male and female individuals. Buccal corridor, smile index and smile breadth ratios were derived from these photographs. Results: Buccal corridor ratio in esthetically pleasing non –growing male
was 8.5 % and in non-growing female was 10.5%. In growing male the buccal
corridor ratio was 7.2 % and in growing male was 8.1%. Smile index in esthetically pleasing non-growing male was 5.790, in non-growing female was 5.833, in growing male was 4.918 and in growing male was 5.659. Smile breadth in esthetically pleasing non-growing male was 0.486 and in non -growing female was 0.493, in growing male was 0.492 and in growing male was 0.497.
Conclusion: These important esthetic parameters must be considered in determining and executing appropriate individual treatment goal especially in decision making of extraction and expansion.