Bottom soil plays a significant role in determining productivity of fish ponds as well as breeding, spawning and hatching of fish egg. This is evident from a field study in the bundh breeding areas of Bankura district of West Bengal, India where fish breeders, during breeding of carps in bundhs, were being practicing to apply a specific soil both in breeding and hatching bundhs. Farmers mix this particular soil with the water of breeding bundh before releasing of brood fish & in hatching bundh they mix it before releasing fertilized eggs into the hatching pit. In many occasions farmers place these soils in front of inlet drain so that inflowing water automatically carry it into respective pond and mix with the water. As reported this soil acts as a catalyst for overall reproductive performance of fish and stimulates not only breeding but also enhances spawning and hatching in carps. To understand the actual chemical changes and mineral or nutrient present in the soil this study was conducted through SEM EDX analysis.