Introduction: Preventive attitude and minimally invasive techniques are new approaches that have been interested in dentists lately aiming to develop the best strategies in dental practice.
Caries risk assessment is one of the most important stages of early diagnosis of caries lesions and the best decision-making for caries management.
Material and methods: 42 patients, 30 boys, and 12 girls, aged 9-14 years old, were questioned and examined, aiming to identify risk indicators for caries lesions development. We used Microsoft Excel program to do some basic data analysis.
Results: After evaluating risk indicators for each patient we found only 5% with low risk, 38% with moderate risk and 57% with high risk of caries. We could explain the high frequency of permanent teeth caries lesions, 74% of the patients, since 38% of the children never visited o dentist.
Conclusions: Including the patient in one of the risk categories helps practitioner to make a good treatment plan, taking into account the wellbeing of patient.