Introduction: India has been successful in eliminating wild polioviruses (WPVs), which has been acclaimed globally.The last reported cases of wild polio in India were in West Bengal and Gujarat in January 2011. India was officially declared 'Polio Free' by the World
Health Organisation in March 2014. While no polio cases have been detected in India for more than three years, poliovirus transmission is ongoing in the endemic countries – Afghanistan and Pakistan, which pose a major threat to Polio transmission and Eradication in India
Objectives: To assess the coverage of pulse polio immunisation among under-fives
Methods: The study was conducted in Muddebihal taluk from January 19th to 22nd following the PPI campaign on January 18th. Amongst the 12 PHCs of Muddebihal taluk, one area was chosen from each PHC for monitoring booth activities and high risk areas. At least 10 houses were covered for house-to-house survey, in each of these areas.
Results: (a) Booth based activities: Most booths were accessible and had supply of logistics (IEC materials, vaccines, cold chain equipment’s, marker pens). (b) House to house visits: 4 missed sites with 10 unvaccinated children were detected, while False Pdetection rates were 3.05% (c) Migratory sites: 9.10% of children were not vaccinated. 10 transit sites showed the inadequacies of program. (d) Street surveys done aftercompletion
of NID (Based on finger markings alone) found 6.76% children asnot vaccinated.