The present study was conducted to evaluate post-obturation pain after root canal treatment using Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). VAS consists of a straight line with the endpoints defining extreme limits such as ‘no pain’ and ‘worst pain imaginable’. A cross sectional study was conducted involving dental patient who require RCT (Root Canal Treatment) who reported to Aimst University Dental Hospital. A total of 50 patients were selected. Questionnaire was given to patients 48 hours after root canal therapy.Data collection was fast and painless and did not pose any risks to the participants. VAS scale (visual analogue scale) was used to record post-operative pain level. It was concluded that prevalence of pain 48 hours after obturation was low (80%) amongst patients receiving root canal treatment in Aimst University Dental Hospital, Mild pain (18%) and moderate pain (2%) were experienced as well and severe pain which requires immediate management was not reported. Both genders, male and female, have not much difference in pain experience following root canal treatment.