Introduction: Sleep disordered breathing (OSA) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are common pulmonary disorders with a great number of patients suffering from bothsimultaneously. The coexistence of both diseases has been termed as “Overlap syndrome”.
Aims and Objectives: Aim of this study was to know the prevalence of OSA in COPD patients and to investigate the correlation of AHI with Body Mass Index and severity of COPD with severity of OSA.
Method and materials: We performed a cross sectional comparative study to evaluate OSA in diagnosed COPD patients. All patients included in this study underwent evaluation of overnight polysomnography (cut off value of AHI for OSA was >5), ESS, mMRC scale.
Results: We evaluated 64 patients of COPD between 40 to 80 years of age group. Out of 64 patients, 11 (17.19 %) had overlap syndrome with mean value of BMI 27.57 ± 3.54, AHI 26.03 ± 6.41, BPD 90.73±5.38 and nocturnal saturation 87.73 ± 1.95.
Conclusion: In our study population OSA was highly prevalent in COPD patients as compared to general population. The diagnosis of co-existing OSA in COPD patients has profound clinical significance as the management of patients with overlap syndrome is inherently different than either disease alone.