After a tooth extraction, alveolar ridge resorption and tissue destruction is seen which may cause implant failure or compromise the ideal soft tissue esthetic.
Therefore, a proper criterion is necessary in order to classify extraction defects and recommend proper implant treatment. Therefore, the aim of this retrospective study was to identify the most common EDS classification and which maxillary anterior tooth is the most susceptible to these defects.
Methods: Three House Surgeons went through dental records (proforma) of all the patients that had visited Rajiv Gandhi College of dental science and collected data on patients who had a maxillary anterior tooth extracted and were examined and classified with the EDS system immediately after the extraction.
Results: The most common tooth that led to a defect was a maxillary canine, while the most common extraction defect in descending order is ED 1 (43%), ED 2 (30%), ED 3 (18%), and ED 4 (9%).
Conclusion: Although this classification is not as accurate and extensive as other classifications that came after it, it still stands the time and our study validates it.