Objectives: The objectives of this study is to evaluate whether the resorbable dressing is effective in improving wound healing after surgical removal of mandibular third molar and to evaluate the efficacy of resorbable dressing after 3rd molar surgery.
Methods: A split mouth study was carried out in department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. A total 40 patients were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Informed consent was obtained from all the patients involved in the study. Patients who will fulfil the study criteria were divided into two groups: In Group A Postoperative Reso-pac dressing was placed (every 24 hours for three days). Paste had been manipulated into a thin roll by kneading with wet gloves and applied by spreading and adapting it on to the wound surface. In Group B Gauze pack dressing was given.
Results: At day 1, 90.7% (n=39) subjects in group A showed good healing as compared to only 37.2 % (n=16) subjects in group B and this difference between two groups was significant. At day 3, 88.4% (n=38) subjects in group A showed very good healing as compared to only 23.3% (n=10) subjects in group B and this difference between two groups was significant. At day 7,97.7% (n=42) subjects in group A showed very good healing as compared to only 23.3 % (n=10) subjects in group B and this difference between two groups was significant.
Conclusion: From our study we can conclude that Reso-pac dressing is found to be effective for better wound healing, after the surgical removal of third molar.