Background: Rubber band ligation, an outpatient’s procedure for treatment of 2nd degree
hemorrhoidsisa effective mode of management.
Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of Rubber band ligation in the treatment of 2nd
degree hemorrhoids.
Methods : This is a prospective study of 50 cases who underwent rubber band ligation as an outpatient procedure for 2nd degree hemorrhoids. Binomial probability pre-post test were used for statistical analysis, p value less than 0.05 was taken as significant.
Results: 50 patients underwent rubber band ligation as a outpatient procedure for 2nd degree hemorrhoids. No major post procedure complications as sepsis, vasovagal reflex were observed. Only 30 patients had discomfort following procedure, which lasted for 1-2 days and 41 patients did not need pain relief, 40 patients returned to work just after procedure and 26 cases spent just Rupees 100-150 post procedure. As of symptom improvement post procedure compared to at presentation only 6 patients had bleeding post procedure out of 45 patients who had bleeding at presentation p value of which was significant as p value=0.00025, 2 patients had pain post procedure out of 12 patients who had pain at presentation p value-0.00314 was found significant. Only 1 patient after procedure had prolapse out of 28 patients who had prolapse on presentation (p value = 0.00250). No patient had irritation or discharge post procedure (p value) = 0.0025.41 patients assessed Rubber band ligation as excellent and 9 patients as of moderate help.
Interpretation and conclusion: Rubber band ligation for 2nd degree hemorrhoids is a effective modality of treatment which is convenient, simple, cost efficient has high patient acceptance with limitations as post procedure discomfort, pain.