Background: Stress management during consultation, sampling and procedures such as vaccination and deworming, among others, is of utmost importance to make this a less traumatic experience for the cat than for the owner. The objective of this study was to evaluate parameters of the parasympathetic activity in domestic cats during physical handling in an exploration clinic treated with Feliway.
Methods: A total of 12 cats of indistinct sex and older than 6 months of age were examined. The Feliway spray was applied in an examination room and parasympathetic activity were evaluated using a PTA monitor, before, during, and after handling.
Results: The group treated with Feliway showed a final value of parasympathetic activity of 58.50, which was higher than that of the control group(p <0.05). This value of more than 50 confirms the state of comfort in the cats. The cardiac rhythm in the group treated with Feliway showed a significant decrease (p <0.05+) which was different to that of the control group.
Conclusion: The application of Feliway for feline handling during physical examination provided a state of comfort in the patients.