Introduction: Osteocytes are naturally occurring modulators of bone metabolism that regulate the balance between osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity. Sclerostin is a marker of mature osteocytes and affects bone metabolism by inhibiting osteoblast differentiation .There are limited studies in the literature which have evaluated the levels of bone metabolism marker Sclerostin in the GCF .So the aim of the study was to estimate the level of Sclerostin in GCF of patients and find its association with periodontal status
Material and Methods: 82 patients, 41 of whom were healthy and 41 of whom had chronic periodontitis were recruited. GCF samples were collected from each subject and analysed for Sclerostin levels by ELISA
Results: Gingival Index mean scores were 0.87 in group 1 and 1.35 in group 2 and this difference was statistically significant. The Mean Sulcus depth was found to be 2.95 mm in Group 1 while mean PPD was found to be 6.85 mm in Group 2, this carried statistical significance. Sclerostin levels in GCF of the two groups were 0.46 pg/ml and 0.92 pg/ml respectively, the difference was highly statistically significant (p=0.004)
Conclusion: The results of the present study suggest that there is a statistically significant increase in GCF Sclerostin levels in chronic periodontitis patients as compared to healthy subjects. It also correlated with clinical parameters Gingival Index, Probing pocket depth and Clinical attachment loss. Sclerostin could be a feasible biomarker for assessment of periodontal health status of patients