Presently there is a lack of knowledge that addresses the effect of the development stages of beetroot on its nutrients, anti-nutrients, and pigments. In the present study, the different development stages of beetroot (60, 80 and 100 days) were analyzed for nutrients, anti-nutrients, and pigments by applying the standard method of AOAC. The beetroot showed a significantly higher amount of moisture, calcium, iron, choline, folate, and pigments (betaine and betanin) at 60 days of maturity, and ash, crude fiber, total carbohydrate, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and anti-nutrients (oxalic acid and saponin) contents were highest at 100 days of maturity in beetroot. Although vitamin C content was increased from 60 days to 80 days of maturity (8.96 to 9.03), while at 100 days it was decreased. The study shows that all maturity stages produced satisfactory results but the amounts of anti-nutrients (oxalic acid and saponins) were increased during the stages of development.