Introduction: Photographic records aid in identifying esthetic disharmony, planning for esthetics correction and establishing mutually compatible expectations of the prosthodontist and patients. In older patients and especially in men the mandibular anterior teeth receive greater exposure than those of the maxillary anterior teeth and are a zone of primary esthetic significance. In younger individuals many a times we came across a condition when there is a generalized attrition in maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth which most of a time require full mouth rehabilitation; so this study will also help in restoration of anterior teeth in younger individuals. This study also shows how a video function of a digital camera with readily available software can be used for effective esthetic analysis of the mandibular anterior teeth.
Method: In this study the faces of 120 subjects were individually filmed. 120 subjects were divided into four different age groups. Group 1(21-30 yr), group 2(31-40 yr), group 3(41-50 yr), group 4(51-60yr). Spontaneous smiles were captured with a digital camera, then it is transferred to a computer after that it is analysed with the help of ANOVA and post hoc analysis.
Result: An increase in visibility of mandibular anterior teeth was found in persons of 50 years of age or older.
Conclusion: This videographic method is reliable for measurement of tooth display and lip position in spontaneous and posed smiling and speaking.