Gridhrasi has been considered as a major problem to the physicians since long.The chance of occurrence is expected to be increasing through the coming years. Gridhrasi comes under 80 types of NanatmajaVatavyadhi. Vyana Vayu is an essential factor for manifestation of the disease Gridhrasi. There is no direct reference regarding Nidana and Samprapti. The chief pathological phenomenon in the manifestation of Gridhrasiis margaavarana and Dhatukshaya. It occurs mainly due to vitiation of vata and provoked vata seated in the kandaras of lower extremities. Impairment of Utkshepanadikarma (Restricted movement) is the main feature along with Ruka(Pain), Stambha(Stiffness) and Toda (Pricking Sensation). In Ayurvedic classics Mainly VatavyadhiChikitsa has been advocated in Gridhrasi. It can be equated with Sciatica or Sciatic syndrome in modern parlance. The main cause of Sciatica is degenerative changes in the lumbar vertebrae which can be compared with Dhatukshayajanyanidana of Gridhrasi.