Introduction: Hearing loss is a disorder resulting from a number of causes and is characterized by type and degree of hearing loss.
Aim and Objective: This 1 year observational study was designed and carried out to survey the etiology of deafness in Kashmir.
Material and Method: A total of 200 patients of deafness either complaining of or found on routine testing presenting to ENT OPD were included in the study.
Results: CSOM and ear wax are the two commonest causes of conductive deafness in our study. The commonest cause of sensorineural type of deafness is Presbycusis. Mixed type of deafness was found to be caused by CSOM, Otosclerosis and Idiopathic causes.
Conclusion: Social, economic, educational, psychologic, vocational and medico legal implication point out the urgent need for more comprehensive knowledge and care for person suffering from hearing disability and emphasize the fact that hearing is an integral part of human body functioning.