Ethnomedicinal plants survey was conducted in the remote hills, forests and rural areas of North Maharashtra. Diversified ethnic peoples, rich in state of India for gathering information of traditional method of gynacological problems. Semi-structured questionnaire was used during the interview with the informants having traditional ethnomedicinal knowledge. Use of medicinal plants were documented using an interview datasheet mentioning detailed information of the informants and vernacular names, parts used, method of preparation and mode of administration. Finally, collected samples of botanicals, prepared herbarium, identified and scientific names were confirmed by Department of Botany, Jijamata College, Nandurbar. A total of 133 ethnomedicinal plants belonging to 67 families have been documented having antifertility property, contraceptive and abotifacient. This paper represents detailed profile of each plant including scientific name, family, common name, parts used, activities, mode of preparation and dosage.