Introduction: Cementum is a hard tissue that deposits in the root around dentin in layers throughout life. Under light microscope it shows light and dark rings known as incremental lines of cementum. In paleontology and forensic medicine, the number of incremental lines can be used to derive the age of an individual at the time of death.
Aim: To estimate the age of children by cemental annulations in cervical and middle third of the root of primary and permanent teeth. Materials and Method: Fifty extracted teeth of children around the age of 6-16 years were selected and divided into 2 equal groups. Teeth with an intact root surface without the loss of adjoining cementum were selected. Longitudinal ground sections in mesio-distal plane were mounted on glass slides using DPX mountantand viewed under a light microscope. Cemental annulations were counted manually. Result: Cemental annulations of middle third region of primary teeth as well as permanent teeth were much reliable than cervical region to estimate the age of child. Conclusion: Cemental annulations can be used as a reliable guide to determine the age of the child.