Introduction: This study aimed to study best practices in Glycemic control of patient with diabetes in private tertiary hospital in Mumbai, India. Glycemic control policy is a structured way to manage inpatient hyperglycemia with Oral hypoglycemic Agents and insulin. A special protocol for Intravenous insulin infusion has also been formulated as a part of the Glycemic control policy.
Methods: A total of 924 diabetic patient records were included in the study. Before implementing the Glycemic control policy, it was designed and validated for 1 month in the hospital for inpatient hyperglycemia management. Training on Glycemic control policy was imparted to 60 nurses and they were evaluated pre and post training. The adherence towards Glycemic control policy was evaluated four times in different time intervals of 3 months.
Result: The results of a 3 months study from December 2016 to February 2017 reflect the average adherence to Glycemic control policy as 30.13%. Before the training session the knowledge regarding Glycemic control policy was 33.66% and after the training session it improved up to 74.13%. The final phase of the study was from January 2018 to March 2018 which shows adherence increased up to 94.35%.
Conclusion: In the beginning there was a lack of knowledge and non adherence to the Glycemic control policy but through constant training and supervision there was a remarkable improvement. The study paved the way to establish best practices in diabetes care in a tertiary care hospital.