Emotional intelligence and self esteem depends on environmental and demographic variables like gender, age and experience. NCC serves as a transformation process of the youth into Armed Forces personnel. This process is affected by several factors, resultant of the self esteem and emotional intelligence along with commitment, communication, and faith to deal with the resistance to change. This study tries to understand the role of self-esteem and emotional intelligence in the NCC and Non-NCC male and female subjects. The total sample of 191 subjects was collected randomly from colleges of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. There were 100 NCC participants (55 males and 45 females) and 91 Non-NCC participants (42 males and 49 females). The results of the present study after applying F test revealed that there was a significant difference between NCC and Non-NCC subjects with respect to self-esteem (Sig F (1) = 49.59, p>.05) and emotional intelligence (Sig F (1) = 25.92, p>.05), but there was no significant gender difference with respect to self-esteem and emotional intelligence. The mean scores of NCC subjects were found higher and significant in the dimensions of emotional intelligence: self awareness, empathy, self motivation, emotional stability, managing relations, integrity, self development and commitment, than Non-NCC subjects. The mean scores of female were found higher and significant in following dimensions of emotional intelligence: self motivation, integrity and commitment. Contemporarily companies and employers are recruiting personnel having some thresholds of emotional intelligence and self-esteem for organizational training. Hence it is conclusive that NCC is instrumental in improving the level of Emotional Intelligence & Self- Esteem in college students with respect to their counterparts, which would certainly give them an edge while seeking employment and functioning in any environment.