Recently, what we happen to see in many of the crisis regions of the Eurasia, such as Afghanistan, Korean peninsula, South China Sea, Crimean peninsula, Ukraine, Nagorno-Karabakh, Palestine, Iraq, Syria and many others, it is likely to recount that those crisis get their seeds of origin from the historical pattern of imperialization. Positioning the political construction and ‘hegemonic masculinity’ of the ‘Great Powers’ of the world to be an essential factor in the facilitation, hegemonization, and orientation of global interests in line with democratization, human rights and neo-liberal economic policies, the aim of this research is to analyze the complex dilemmas and impasses of state ideologies, national and regional stakes and benefits, great power interests in line with hegemonic geopolitics, and border considerations in Eurasia, which is the most significantly conflicting region having in mind the contemporary world’s crisis regions. Analysis of primarily a general perspective as well as mirroring the various actors’ views and strategies on myriad mobilities and immobilities emerging in Eurasian territory today licitly or illicitly may allow for a critical assessment of efforts to make mutual interests more humanely compatible and effective among Eurasia, her neighboring territories, and ‘Great Powers’.