WSNs consist of nodes that cooperate dynamically where the establishment of routes is by using wireless links without using the centralized authority. An intrusion can be described as restricted access to a system resource. Intrusion detection is employed to detect these intrusions to reinstate routine operation and to eliminate the illegitimate clients. There exist two practical methodologies Intrusion Detection System (IDS) can succeed. Efficient routing is accomplished by making each wireless node act as a router that chooses the very next node to which data must be passed on the network. In our proposed work a novel approach is developed that hinges on sending a query packet by the Cluster Head (CH) to the nodes under its coverage range. It expects a reply from them. Two cases are considered based on the environment of the responses received by the CH. Algorithms are developed to handle those two cases; A node is not replying to the query sent by the CH, and if it sends, it does with same identity and different coordinates. The objective of this work is to develop an adaptive transmission power technique using sharing approach for IDS. The Adaptive Logo Pattern Based Group Information Sharing (ALPGS) is designed to extend the lifetime of WSN by reducing the communication mechanism with reduced processing and network power consumption in IDS time. The underlying ideology behind this novel method is to reduce the transmission energy of the node automatically so that the communication happens on a one to one basis thereby reducing the redundant processing of data. In ALPGS, the nodes are treated as vertices, and the links between them are considered as the edges of the node. Simulation results show that the proposed methodology yields relatively better performance than the existing method.