The purpose of the study is to find out the effects of yogic training, aerobic training and detraining on muscular endurance of college male students. For this study 45 (forty five) healthy untrained subjects were selected on random basis. The students were selected from Dr.R.K.Shanmugam College of Arts & Science, Indili, Kallakurichi T.K Villupuram (Dt) in Tamil Nadu, India. The subject’s age were ranged between 18 to 21 years. The selected subjects were divided into three groups, each group consist of fifteen (15) subjects. Group I underwent yogic training, group II underwent aerobic training and group III acted as a control group. The selected asanas and pranayama were given to yogic training group. The selected aerobic dance steps assigned for aerobic training group. The duration of the training period was stipulated to 12 weeks for 5 days per week (45 minutes). Control group was kept under control without any training. The muscular endurance was measured by using bent knee sit-ups test. Prior to and after the end of practice period all the subjects were tested on selected muscular endurance. The results of pre, mid, post, first, second, and third cessation test were compared statistically analyzed by using two-way factorial analysis of variance with last factor repeated measures. The ‘F’ ratio value was statistically analyzed and tested for significant difference at 0.05 level of confidence.