A Pre Experiemental study was conducted to assess the level of knowledge regarding antenatal exercise among the antenatal women at CHC Raipur Dehradun Uttarakhand A Pre Experimental one group Pre- test Post-test design was used to assess the knowledge of antenatal women regarding antenatal exercise. The sample consists of 80 antenatal women of CHC Raipur at Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Purposive sampling technique was used for selection of samples. The data was collected using self structured questionnaire. The result reveals that out of 80 samples, greater numbers of antenatal women 69 (86.25%) had poor knowledge, 11 (13.75%) had average knowledge and no one had the adequate knowledge concerning antenatal exercise. The pre- tests mean score was 8.09 (26.96) with 2.212 SD. After administering VATP 75 (93.75%) antenatal women had good knowledge, 05 (6.25%) had average knowledge and no one had the poor knowledge. The post-test mean score 24.30 (81%) with 2.368 SD was found significantly higher than pre test mean score 8.09 (26.96) with a mean difference of 16.21. the calculated‘t’ value 42.007, at the <0.05 level of significance which showed the effectiveness of VATP. The chi square, Fisher’s test and Yates correction test reveals that there was no significance association between demographical variable and pre test knowledge score. The study concluded that VATP was effective to enlarge the knowledge of antenatal women.