Effectiveness of slow reversal hold proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation technique on ankle stability among adolescent male karate students with unilateral ankle instability

Mariyam Farzana S.F., Sedhunivas and Malarvizhi D

Background: Ankle instability is a common cause for ankle sprains in the players involved in competitive and contact sports such as martial arts. This study has been done sing proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques on improving ankle joint stability in karate players thus preventing ligament sprains.
Objective: To find out the effectiveness of slow reversal hold proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation technique on improving ankle stability in adolescent male karate students with unilateral ankle instability.
Methods: Experimental study 30 male karate students with age group of 10-15 years are randomly assigned into two groups (Group-A and Group-B). Karate students in Group-A received Slow reversal hold technique along with routine karate training, while the students in Group-B received only routine karate training. Outcome measures for Ankle stability was evaluated using balance error scoring system. Results: Statistical analysis was done by using student‘t’ test, which showed significant improvement in the karate students belonging to the Group-A than in karate students of Group-B.
Conclusion: Slow reversal hold proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation technique has shown significant result in improving ankle stability in karate students with unilateral ankle instability.

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